Stop Arguing,
Avoid a Breakup,
Get Great Love
Work through tough times to create a relationship you love.

Couples Therapy

Couples Intensives

Individual Therapy
Feel stuck in a relationship that isn’t working?
Feel exhausted arguing too much—including the small stuff? Worried about a blowup happening at any moment? Sick to your stomach with so much tension & anxiety? Acting in ways you aren’t proud of—but can’t help yourself? Or, no more sex, no more sharing—no more love?
Breathe—that's why I'm here.
Why not make it great?
You’re already invested. Already have history. And already miserable? Let’s fix that—with lots of better & plenty of more…

Better communication
Talk openly without you or your partner getting defensive

Better skills
More hope knowing what to do & how to talk when things get dicey

More confidence
Feel at peace with your choice—whether to stay or leave

More trust
Learn to manage your partner & yourself—during worst-of-times

More intimacy
Have fun, loving, frequent, playful, steamy, connected, great sex
Listen better • Argue less • Love more • Increase fun • Handle tough times • Be a solid team together
5 mistakes people make when starting couples therapy (and what to do instead)
Couples therapy is a big investment of both time and money. Avoid common mistakes and set yourself up for success with our free email guide in your inbox.
Trauma, anxiety or depression?
Worried or hopeless about your future? Need to finally heal your trauma? Want help individually to navigate difficult relationships or challenges? Is substance abuse a problem? I can help. See my Individual Therapy service—whether for yourself or someone you love.
5 mistakes people make when starting couples therapy (and what to do instead)
Couples therapy is a big investment of both time and money. Avoid common mistakes and set yourself up for success with our free email guide in your inbox.
I'll help you find and fix things as quickly as possible.
Life is hard. Let's make healing easier. Learn how to keep drama small, not big. Learn new tools to make life and relationships easier.
Schedule a free call
Meet to learn more ∙ Learn your situation ∙ Determine if we’re a match
Work together
Assess your relationship ∙ Create a relationship plan ∙ Meet to do the exercises together
Get back to love
Call on new skills ∙ Keep small things from becoming big ones ∙ Feel like you got this—together

If you don't make an assertive decision the universe will make it for you.
And it won't be the one you want.
There's no shame in getting help.
Relationships are hard. Why NOT choose an expert?
20+ years helping couples—I can help you
100s of grateful customers
Every situation is unique—yet I’ve seen em all
Right balance of straight talk, humor & experience
A go to couples-therapists for other therapists

Work together? Or not?

Download free guide.
The 5 mistakes people make when doing couples therapy

Why gamble with your relationship?
“I’m tired of being in an unhealthy relationship. Exhausted by the bad vibes. And sad it’s gotten this bad over the years. I want this to work. I want to live & love my partner all over again. And be a great role model for our kids.”
Well said you. That’s what we’ll make happen working together.