Have communication problems that aren't getting better?

Communication School is an 8-week online program, teaching you science backed skills and tools so that you can have fewer arguments and blowups and get back to having fun.

It's OK, Help is here

You Can Have Better Communication

Feel exhausted arguing even over the small stuff? Wondering how you can talk with your partner about important issues without them getting defensive or shutting down? Arguments getting worse over time?

It’s OK - help is here.

A couple sat apart from each other looking towards a forest

Why not really figure out “communication”?

You’ve already found your partner. There are LOTS of things you LOVE about your relationship.  Arguments and defensiveness might cause your breakup. Wait. What???  Let’s fix that.

Let’s teach you some skills so that you can have more

Confidence to talk about topics and small…

Tools and skills to calm arguments (no more walking on eggshells)

Words to be firm but fair

Respect even when arguing


Time to spend on fun things

Achievements (think financial goals, managing parenting differences, figuring out who is doing what at home in a way that’s equitable, etc)

Listen better • Argue less  • Less Walking on Eggshells

For individuals

Why not work on yourself and your goals, even if your partner is not ready or on board?

Feel stuck because your partner won’t come to couples therapy? Worried you will be in the same spot years from now if you don’t do something to make things better? Tired of calling your friends (again and again) about what to do about your relationship? What not work on your goals yourself?  

This program is also geared toward individuals. Communication school will give you tools for high-stakes situations and boost your communication knowledge, skills and confidence.

Join our Waitlist

Get on the waitlist today

Learn tools to stop arguments- faster

Managing difficult, real-life topics like messy houses, money, sex, and family is HARD. Learn how to get into and out of important issues without blowups.

Join Communication School

Identify 1-2 things that you would like to change and learn about your relationship patterns. Be open to new ideas.

Gail Tools and Skills to Calm Arguments

Identify reasons why you aren’t getting the results you want. Identify and try new tools in a supportive network of care.

Get More Calm and Connection

Call on new skills. Keep small things from becoming big ones. Get more confidence and clarity.

Why wait??

You’ve read books, talked to friends, tried all the DIY things and still not at your goal… What do you have to lose? When things are not getting better, the obvious next step is to get professional help. Plus…(just a friendly reminder), there’s no shame in getting help.

Why Communication School?

In our decades of work with individuals and couples, we have seen that the traditional model of couple therapy doesn’t work for all. Some aren’t quite ready for couple therapy. Busy schedules, kid activities and the demands of life and work make it hard to go to therapy consistently for months at a time. Therapy is expensive and sometimes just not in the budget. Books are great, but trying to implement ideas can be overwhelming without support to break things down and keep you focused.

Communication School is for individuals and couples, including couples currently in couple therapy,  a little more. Communication is full of accountability and opportunities to try out new, needed skills.

It's your choice

Communication School, yes or no?

Work through heated talks faster
Feel more relaxed, energized & confident
Proactively address sensitive topics
Enjoy moments without worry of blowups
Keep living years in conflict
Keep feeling lonely & angry
Keep arguing needlessly
Keep avoiding what should be addressed
Basic plan
Save 20% with the annual plan
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Get started
Business plan
Save 20% with the annual plan
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Get started

Why not make your relationship great? I mean really great?

“I am tired of ruining weekends and great trips with arguments that are embarrassing and exhausting. We aren’t moving our goals and dreams forward. We have so much potential when we are good. I want to make this work so that we can have less drama, walk on zero eggshells and have more fun.”

Well said. What are you waiting for? Let's make that happen.

Too many couples wing it when it comes to high stakes conversations. Winging it is for mini golf and a game of darts. Communication school teaches science backed tools and skills to make your relationship healthy and loving again.

Join the waitlist


How many sessions is communication school?

Communication school is 8 weeks for 90 minutes each week.

What is the cost?

The cost for 8 sessions is 499.00, a bargain in contrast to the cost of individual and couples therapy (90 minutes = $450.00).

Can I bill insurance for this program?

This group is not considered a therapy program and as such, no you will not be able to bill insurance. Traditional psychotherapy requires a one-on-one assessment to determine a diagnosis and create a tailored treatment plan.  This is a group educational program and is not therapy. While you cannot bill insurance, Communication School is a cost effective alternative or add on to therapy.

What is the format of the program?

The program will be delivered via a secure video conferencing system. Each week the group meets for a live program and then videos of each session are posted in the member portal. You will need to have an internet connection and test your system ahead of time. Please note that we cannot assist you with your tech setup.

You have a Money Back Guarantee- how does this work?

We believe in this program and want you to get results.

If you participate in the program and do all of the exercises and engage fully, I am happy to refund your program fees. If after 21 days after enrollment in the class has not provided you results, email me and I will refund all your fees.

How? Just provide proof you engaged in all of the material and activities. The only thing I ask is that if you are not interested in really engaging in the materials, wait, do not enroll until you are ready to go all in. This is not a program for you if you aren't really invested in going all in.

When will the program start?

Start date is TBD. We will contact you soon about enrollment details.

Will you be running the program again in 2025?

There are no plans as of yet to re-run the program in 2025. Do consider joining us in 2024!

What is the size of the group?

Group size is 8-10 and will be a mixture of couples and individuals coming on their own without their partner.

I filled out the waitlist form, now what?

We will be in touch shortly as we get the group together. We will be in touch to let you know about the start dates and to schedule a brief intake meeting to make sure that we are a good “fit” and answer any questions you may have. In the meantime, if you have any questions, you can reach out to us at hello@occouplescenter.com.

Do I have to talk during the group?

No. Some people prefer to listen and take things in. However, there are opportunities to engage with other members and share during the weekly calls. You may find that you want to talk or not! Please note that we do ask that you keep your camera on during the program- seeing people’s faces is a very different experience than seeing no one…so do keep that in mind!

Do I have to pay the entire fee up front?

You are welcome to either to pay up front or in installments. The fees for both are as follows:  

One time cost: $499, paid at enrollment to hold your spot.  

Installments: One-time payment at enrollment of $199 and then 7 weekly installments of 50.00 (Total cost= $599).  Payments are made with a credit card you will leave on file to be billed each session.  

Do you have a cancelation policy? What if I can’t make each group?

Group space is reserved by you and for you. Once a group begins the group is closed and we cannot enroll new members. For that reason, are unable to offer refunds. If you foresee difficulty making each meeting, please consider enrolling in a future group.

Do I have to use my real name in the group? I am worried about anonymity.

Coming to a group like this requires vulnerability. You are welcome to participate with group members anonymously (using a pseudonym) or through just a first name. Part of our intake paperwork and procedures is about maintaining confidentiality amongst members. We  use a HIPAA compliant online telehealth platform for confidentiality and we also ask that all members utilize a headset while they are attending this program to ensure that conversations be kept private.  Keep in mind that we ask that you keep your camera on during the group with the goal of fostering connection.

We have arguments that are so bad I wonder if we have a “domestic violence” situation. Will this program work for us?

If there is physical violence in your home, this is not the program for you. You need a higher level of care and more specialized services. Here are some alternative options for you. For the national domestic violence hotline please call 800-799-7233 or online at www.thehotline.org. They are available 24/7 and can help you in over 200 languages and can provide information about domestic violence and support services nationwide. In California, you can contact the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence at  www.cpedv.org.

I am not very good with tech, can you help with this?

Tech is challenging for sure. That said, we do not offer live tech support during groups. We will send you information when you sign up about testing your system to make sure that you can try out your tech before the group. You may also want to consider identifying a “tech buddy” in your friend or family group for as needed tech support for this program. Please note, if you are unable to attend for a tech reason, unfortunately we cannot refund group fees.

What happens if the OCCC has tech issues during a session? Will we get our money back or what is the plan?

Great question. If there is a tech issue on our end, we will reschedule the group to another date that works with members, typically extending the group one session.

Are you LGTBQIA+ affirming?

Yes we are. Also, we don’t tolerate discrimination in our groups.

Still have questions?

We can always help answer them

About Gretchen

Gretchen Weisenburger Carrillo, LMFT is the founder of the OC Couples Center.

This is a unique opportunity to work with Gretchen outside of therapy. A gifted speaker and teacher, Gretchen is passionate about relationship building and practical tools to change individual lives and communities through better relationships. Her goal in this class is simple- to help individuals and couples build solid skills to get better results in life and love.

Photo of Gretchen Carrillo, LMFT